Let us learn how to generate & configure the ssl certificates in spring boot applications. Step 1. Getting the certificate We can purchase the SSL certificate from the following SSL providers Godaddy DigiCert GeoTrust GlobalSign Comodo SSL RapidSSL SSL.com OR, for testing purposes, we can generate a self-signed certificate Before getting started, let us know the format of the SSL certificates: PKCS12: Public Key Cryptographic Standards is a password-protected format that can contain multiple certificates and keys; it's an industry-wide used format. JKS: Java KeyStore is similar to PKCS12; it's a proprietary format and is limited to the Java environment. To know more about how SSL works please go to this link . We can use either keytool or OpenSSL tools to generate the certificates from the command line. Keytool is shipped with Java Runtime Environment, and OpenSSL can be downloaded from here . For our demonstratio...
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