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Showing posts from September, 2022

How to Implement AWS RDS Database IAM Authentication in Spring Boot

Amazon RDS for MySQL allows authentication using AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) database authentication. With this authentication method, you don't need to use a password when you connect to a DB instance. Instead, you use an authentication token. Let us understand how this works? An authentication token is a unique string of characters that Amazon RDS generates on request. Authentication tokens are generated using AWS Signature Version 4. Each token has a lifetime of 15 minutes. You don't need to store user credentials in the database, because authentication is managed externally using IAM. You can also still use standard database authentication. Since IAM authentication tokens are short-lived access tokens that are valid for 15 minutes. For the RDS database this token works as a database password that is required to establish a connection and does not determine how long the existing connection can last. The default value for connection to be alive without activit

How to upload files in Amazon S3 Bucket using Spring Boot

As stated in the title, we are going to demonstrate that how we can upload and retrieve files from the amazon s3 bucket in spring boot. For this, we must have an account on amazon web services (AWS) . And the next thing you need to have is an IAM user that has programmatic access to the s3 bucket. Follow the steps below to create an IAM user and s3 bucket. Table of Contents 1. Steps to create an IAM user in AWS with S3 bucket full access permission Step 1.1 Login to your AWS account   Step 1.2 Set the user details Step 1.3 Set user permissions Step 1.4 Create a user group and set the access policy Step 1.5 Add user to the group Step 1.6  Set the tags (optional) Step 1.7  Review the user details and permission summary Step 1.8 Download the user credentials 2. See, how to create s3 bucket. Step 2.1 Click on the "Create bucket" button. Step 2.2 Enter the bucket name and select bucket region. Step 2.3 Set file accessibility for bucket items as public/private

Custom Pagination with search and filters in Spring Boot

Every spring boot application is made to manage a large set of data. Also, we need to perform a search and filter the data according to need, And also we cannot load all data in one go on a single page so we need pagination too. In this article, we are going to demonstrate custom pagination with search and filter performed through ajax call. Goal: This demonstration is performed on a set of students' data. We have written a method to generate sample data.   Table of Contents 1. Initialize the project with the following dependencies 2. Set the application properties 3. Create the Student entity 4. Enum to denote the class of student 5. Create JPA repository of entity 6. Create the search & filter command object (CO) 7. Create a data transfer object (DTO) of the Entity for returning the response 8. Create a service for implementing the business login 9. Create a controller 10. Create a utility class for date conversions 11. Create the HTML Data Table design 12.

How to Implement Spring Security in Spring Boot

Security Example in Spring Boot Implementation of Spring Security in the Spring Boot application is the key point to learn for spring boot developers. Because Authentication and Authorization are the backbones of the whole application. Getting started with the Spring Security Series, this is the first part, in this article we are going to focus on the authentication part with minimal registration. The implementation of registration flow with email verification, customizing password encoding, and setting up password strengths and rules will be explored in another separate article for each.  This article will be the base of the spring security series, the other security features will be explained on the basis of this implementation, so be focused and let's understand. The code contains proper naming & brief comments that makes it very comprehensive. If you feel any difficulty or find any issue, please drop a comment below this post The main goal of this article is to impleme

Request Mapping Annotation in Spring Boot

The @RequestMapping is a class level  (also called type level) and method level annotation, it is used to process HTTP requests with specified URL patterns. It is used in and along with both @Controller and @RestController . Table of Contents Request Mapping Annotation in Spring Boot 1. How @RequestMapping annotation it is used? 2. Optional Elements of @RequestMapping 2.1 name, value and path 2.2 headers, consumes and produces 3. Specialization of @RequestMapping 1. How @RequestMapping annotation it is used? @Controller @RequestMapping("/student") public class StudentController{ @RequestMapping("/dashboard") public String dashboard(){ return "dashboard"; } @RequestMapping("result") public String result(){ return "result"; } } We can see in above code sample "/student" , "/dashboard" and "result" passed with annotation are called request value/path present in the URL

Basic Annotations in Spring Boot

Annotations are the key components. Spring Boot annotations are simple and self-explanatory. There are a large number of annotations are implemented in Spring  Core. But In Spring Boot most of the annotations are enhanced and combined in simpler ones to write fewer lines of code. For example: If you are ever worked with spring core you need to apply @Configuration , @EnableAutoConfiguration and @ComponentScan . Now In Spring Boot, these three are combined into @SpringBootApplication . Here we have listed 32 annotations and explained, in brief, what every beginner should know. If you understand the use and start playing with these annotations no one can stop you to become a master in spring boot. We will provide the detailed example later on so please subscribe to this blog from the footer section by providing an email id: Table of Contents Basic Annotations in Spring Boot 1.@SpringBootApplication 2.@Component 3.@Service 4.@Repository 5.@Controller 6.@RestController 7.@A